Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Compelled by Love

Have you ever experienced a moment in life where you sit and because of what you are hearing you suddenly start feeling this stirring that keeps building and building until you think that you can't stand it anymore. It isn't painful or uncomfortable, no it is exciting because you are feeling a desire or a passion that is being lit in you and all you can think about is taking the next step. It may even be that you have had this feeling before but somewhere along the path of life it got buried far away. Well I experienced this just two days ago and really felt the need to share it. I knew I was starting new blog so I thought this would be the perfect place. 
If you are familiar with the Name Heidi Baker then the following will be of no surprise to you. However if you are not then please allow me to introduce you to someone that I think is pretty awesome!
Heidi and her husband Rolland are amazing people who have given up everything and said yes to the call of going to the nations and bringing love and hope to everyone that they come in contact with.  Several yrs ago they started a ministry in Mozambique Africa helping families and orphans in need.

This past Sunday night Jan. 5, 2014 they had the debut of their movie Compelled By Love. 
Watching this movie was such an experience. It is hard to express in words the way that it affected me but I am going to try. This movie was a complete history of how Heidi and Rolland started out in ministry. You will here amazing testimonies of sacrifice and survival of miracles and love. You will see how they ended up in Mozambique. How God provided everything and how through Love an entire nation was and is being changed. 
When I was blessed to go and see Heidi speak in Sarasota Fl this past summer,there was such a love that just washed over the room and I was instantly hit with his presence. I felt the same thing when watching this film. Instantly in His presence and Instantly in His heart. It wrecked me with so much of his goodness and love and his heart for all people and all nations. This is the gospel, this is the commandment that He gave. This movie has shifted something in my spirit, a fire has been ignited and I do not want to be someone who just lets it go dim and just think about what I want to do with it. Heidi and Rolland are examples of the true commission of the gospel. This movie makes me want to do more and dream bigger and know that I too can ask for a town, a city, or even a nation for the name of Jesus!! He is Love and this movie portrays what His Love looks like in action.

So to go back to my first question, if you have experienced this what do you do with it?  I am not 100% sure but I have a few ideas and plan on moving on them tomorrow.
The truth is our world needs love His Love. What does that look like? Does it look like what we typically see when Christians are portrayed in the media? Does it look like sending money to the needy, or saying that we will pray for each other. Is love constantly telling someone that they are in sin and are going to go to hell if they don't repent. What did love look like when Jesus was here. Wasn't he the perfect example? These are some of the things that I will be discussing on this blog and I hope that you will join in. I have a feeling that Love may look a little different that what many of us have been told. But before my next post check out the trailer below of this awesome movie and then decide if you want to see more. It is available for digital download and DVD. I hope to one day meet Heidi and Rolland Baker and it would be amazing if I could go to Mozambique and maybe for a moment be apart of what they are doing!

Good Night and God Bless!!